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Fund Information(1)

Qwest Investment Fund Management Ltd. ("QIFM"), and not Proof Capital Inc. (“Proof” or “Proof Capital”), performs all of the registerable activities for the Proof Capital Medical Receivables Yield Fund, the Proof Capital Alternative Income Fund, the Proof Capital Alternative Growth Fund, the Proof Capital Balanced Growth & Income Fund, and the Proof Capital Special Situations Fund (the “Proof Capital Family of Funds” or “Proof Funds”). QIFM, a registered investment fund manager, portfolio manager and exempt market dealer, is the investment fund manager and portfolio manager for the Proof Capital Family of Funds; and Cameron Reid, Advising Representative (Portfolio Manager) with QIFM, manages each fund’s portfolio. Mr. Reid is also the Chief Investment Officer of Proof Capital. Proof Capital is the promoter of the Proof Capital Family of Funds.